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Page 8: Types of keys

Page 8

  Types of keys
  Identities - SSHv1
  RSA    (-t rsa1)
          Default: ~/.ssh/identity    ~/.ssh/identity.pub
          Public key looks like: "1024 35 1399050015..... Comment"
  PubKeys - SSHv2
  RSA     (-t rsa)
          Default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa    ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
          Public key looks like: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza...... Comment"
  DSA     (-t dsa)
          Default: ~/.ssh/id_dsa    ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
          Public key looks like: "ssh-dsa AAAAB3Nza...... Comment"

Copyright 2004, Bri Hatch of Onsight, Inc.

Presented at LFNW - LinuxFest Northwest, Bellingham, Washington, Apr 2004

Presentation created using vim and MagicPoint.